2025 Two Blooms Bouquet Subscription Menu 


A Bouquet Subscription reserves your bouquet at your preferred pickup location. Thoughtfully designed to celebrate each fleeting moment, bouquets include the best of our harvests! 


TULIP DELUXE  (more here)
Specialty Tulips, 8 bouquets, January to May
TULIP CLUB  (more here) 
Specialty Tulips, 3 bouquets, winter/spring
TULIP MONTHLY  (more here)
Specialty Tulips, 2 bouquets in 1 month
BEST OF SPRING  (more here)
Specialty Tulips, Ranunculus, Peony and more! 4 bouquets, March to June
BEST OF SUMMER  (more here)
Lily, Dahlia, Lisianthus and more! 4 bouquets, August to September
A bit of each season, 6 bouquets, Apr/May/Jun/Aug/Sept/Oct
BIWEEKLY BLOOMS  (more here)
Winter and Spring, 12 bouquets, January to June


Here is a visual that compares all of the subscription options:


Choosing Your Subscription - How it Works

Step 1: 

Consider the frequency and season you wish to experience. Winter? Spring? Summer? Fall?

Tip: "Subscriptions at a Glance" above shows the differences in season and duration of each Subscription


Step 2: 

Choose your pickup location from 2 options

Two Blooms Farm: 2 km from Magnetic Hill, self serve pickup at the Farm Stand between 8 am and 8 pm


BHome: Located in “The Arches of St.George” at 333 St.George St., with convenient parking. Collect your bouquet at your convenience between 10 am and 5 pm


Step 3:

Put the pickup dates in your Calendar

Each bouquet pickup date is listed in the web shop. Enter them right away, so you don't forget Bouquet Day - we won't be sending reminders.

TipSharing subscriptions and gifting pickups are welcomed!

Why a Subscription?

💐100% Two Blooms Grown - quality, freshness, unique & the best of the harvest

💐Reserved for you - available on the day and at the location according to your chosen package

💐Supporting small business - Subscription purchases directly assists with the upfront costs of production

Questions about Bouquet Subscriptions? Ask away.